Language Profile

A language profile is an overview of the community’s language status. It answers questions about how the language is being used and by whom.

Why Create a Language Profile

To build an effective plan for language revitalization, start with a good understanding of the current language situation in the community. This information will support the planning team in setting language revitalization goals. It will also help them identify actions that respond to the community’s strengths and needs.

When to Do a Language Profile

Conduct a community language profile every few years. The information collected during the profile will shape the plan and the strategies that are selected by the community and language planning team. For this reason, the profile is usually a community’s first step when creating a language revitalization plan.

Creating a Language Profile

A language profile can be completed in various ways. Consider what information you need to know to develop your plan. Some of the questions that a language profile can answer are explored in Language Profile: Five Key Questions and Ways to Gather Information.

Communicate the Results of the Language Profile

Once you have gathered answers to the five key questions, choose a format to communicate the results. Some examples include a written summary, a PowerPoint presentation, a newsletter or flyer, a video or an Excel template. Whichever format you choose, it is important to share the information with the community and use it for future planning stages. See the completed Language Profile Example for a possible format to communicate the findings.