Spring (Pre-planning) Overview

Activity Checklist

Planning OutcomesActivities
Establish a language planning teamDevelop a list of potential planning team members
Recruit planning team members
Create a language team agreement
Develop language plan valuesGather input from the community to develop an initial list of values
Narrow down and finalize values
Make a plan to complete the workDevelop a work plan
Plan for community engagementCreate a communication and engagement plan
Conduct a language profileDecide what information to collect and how it will be gathered
Gather information
Complete a language profile
Complete a spring summaryComplete a summary of spring stage activities
Share the summary with the community

Some of the activities and outcomes listed above are “Planning Tools” that guide the process of developing a language revitalization plan. Information on these tools can be found in Part Three: Planning Tools. The other outcomes are components of a complete language revitalization plan and are described in the following section.