Implementation Planning

The implementation plan specifies who is responsible for each action in the language plan. The implementation plan helps to ensure that all of the actions in the plan are completed on time.

Use the following steps to create an implementation plan:

1. Identify who will complete each action: Select a person to ensure each action happens. Consider the skills needed for the action, the availability of each team member and the appropriate roles within the language team’s structure.

For planning purposes, it works best to identify a single person for each action. That doesn’t mean they have to complete the action alone (sometimes an action is completed by a group), but it does mean one person is responsible for it being completed. If possible, put a person’s name next to each action.

It may be hard know who will complete the actions for years two to five when you are just starting the plan. The team may grow and change over the years. Also, the plan may change as you start to implement actions and learn from them. You may want to start by assigning the actions for Year 1 only. People can be assigned to actions in future years closer to the time.

2. Divide actions into tasks: It can be helpful to break actions down into tasks. Tasks are the separate steps that are needed to complete an action.

This level of detail is most important for the first year or two of the plan. It is not necessary to be as detailed in the later years, as the details may shift throughout implementation.

The example below shows how to break actions into tasks.

Secure fundingResearch funding opportunities
Talk to funders to find out their priorities
Choose grants to apply for
Apply for grants
Designate administrator to coordinate programResearch skills needed for program administrator
Create and circulate job posting for program administrator
Hire program administrator
Onboard program administrator

3. Keep the plan up-to-date: An implementation plan is meant to be a living, flexible document. Build in time to update the plan regularly – for example, monthly or quarterly – so it stays current.